Friday, April 25, 2008

System overload...failure???

It's seems to be that old 'too many cooks spoil the soup' or maybe it is a case of the 'telephone' game. Whether it is simply a case of too many people involved or convoluted messages it is seeming to be quite a challenge to get Matthew the help that is needed. He is struggling so hard academically and I don't even know where to start to help him out! I got a call this morning from Tracy LB and she had said that she got a call from Carol with the school saying she wanted to arrange a meeting with everyone to discuss Matthew's behavior problems. We were both really thrown for a loop because Matthew seems to be having great behavior at school as far as I can tell and I check with the teacher every I relayed to Tracy. It seems it is not his behavior but his academics that are the problem...which is really no new news. Only thing is no ones seems to best know how to meet his needs. SO now we have to have a meeting of the minds, bringing all the cooks to one giant pot, and figure out how we can teach this kiddo and start to catch him up a little. Here's the thing though...for one kid to make a p;an of action we need to have a room with like 9 people in it...doesn't this seem like a bit much?

1 comment:

hotmama03 said...

They do it that way there. With Travis and his IEP, they have like anywhere from 5-9 people. Its weird but they seem to have the best intentions in mind. GOOD luck, i know how it is.